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来源: 北方文学汇 时间:2024-04-20
1、我的世界是寂静无声的,容纳不下别人。 My world is silent, unable to accommodate others. 2、我们都在赶路忘记了出路,在失望中追求偶尔的满足。 We are all on our way, forgetting the way out, and pursuing occasional satisfaction in disappointment. 3、如果季节只是改变了天空的颜色,或许我就不会如此悲伤万千。 If the season only changed the color of the sky, maybe I would not be so sad. 4、比起受骗的人,骗子要痛苦几十倍。因为他要掉进地狱。 Compared with the cheated people, cheaters suffer dozens of times. Because he's going to hell. 5、我需要一场刻骨铭心的感情,来忘记这段撕心裂肺的爱。 I need an unforgettable love to forget this heartbreaking love. 6、与其叹息,不如反抗;与其懊悔,不如前行! It's better to fight than to sigh; it's better to move forward than to regret! 7、打着灯笼也找不着的男人,我想说,是不是你的灯笼太暗了。 The man who can't find the lantern, I want to say, is your lantern too dark. 8、千山万水,不离不弃,为了理想。 Thousands of mountains and rivers, do not leave, for the ideal. 9、我要用什么样的速度,才能与你相遇。 What kind of speed should I use to meet you. 10、我又不是佛,就算你很后一刻放下屠刀,我为什么要原谅你。 I'm not a Buddha. Even if you put down the butcher's knife at the last moment, why should I forgive you. 11、努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。 After working hard, I know a lot of things. I stick to it and come here. 12、长大变成熟的那段日子都很难,加油就好。 It's hard to grow up and mature. Just refuel. 13、幕然回首、曾经沧海,早已是、换了人间。 However, looking back, I have experienced the vicissitudes of life, and I have already changed the world. 14、灵魂的性感,才是骨子里的真正的性感。 The sexy soul is the real sexy in the heart. 15、疲惫的时候,暂且休息下也好。 When you are tired, take a rest. 16、木头做的门叫木门,铁做的门叫铁门,通往幸福的门叫做我们。 The door made of wood is called wooden door, the door made of iron is called iron door, and the door leading to happiness is called us. 17、不去管别人质疑的目光,我的眼中只有前方。 I don't care about other people's questioning eyes, I only have the front in my eyes. 18、做人不要太攀比,踏踏实实做自己。 Don't keep up with the Joneses, be yourself. 19、我就是霸道,受不了你就滚! I'm overbearing. If I can't stand you, go away! 20、有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人,用一辈子去骗一个人。 Some people cheat all their lives, and some people cheat one person with all their lives. 21、感情死了,生活还在。 Love is dead, life is still there. 22、你不在乎的人、他却很在乎你。你在乎的人、他未必在乎你。 You don't care about people, he cares about you. The person you care about may not care about you. 23、我的灵魂与我之间的距离如此遥远,但是我的存在却如此真实。 The distance between my soul and me is so far away, but my existence is so real. 24、纵使生老病死,变老变丑,别怕,有我爱着你。 Even if you are old and sick, old and ugly, don't be afraid, I love you. 25、嫉妒就是一把刀,到头来受伤害的,只会是自己。 Jealousy is a knife. In the end, it will only hurt itself. 26、除非他能让你过得比单身时好,否则不必为了任何人脱单。 Unless he can make you live better than when you're single, you don't have to pay for anyone. 27、时光和破碎的梦想,被埋葬在一起不停地发酵,无法停止。 Time and broken dreams, buried together, keep fermenting, can not stop. 28、不曾扬帆,何以至远方。 How can we go far without sailing. 29、我也不知道你哪里好,反正你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I don't know where you are. Anyway, you are the reason why I don't love others. 30、我只想身边的人幸福,却忘了自己不是世界的主。 I just want the people around me to be happy, but I forget that I am not the master of the world. 31、你有没发现,自己笑的越来越没以前开心了。 Do you find that you are not as happy as before. 32、只要天寒地冻,雪雨纷飞,爱情就会如期而至。 As long as it's freezing and snowing, love will arrive as scheduled. 33、人的内心不种鲜花就长杂草。 If you don't plant flowers in your heart, you will grow weeds. 34、我在原地等你,你却已经跟着别人走了那么远。 I wait for you in situ, but you have followed others so far. 35、有时候就是把对别人的情看的太重,就忽略了自己。 Sometimes it's just that you pay too much attention to others and neglect yourself. 36、我自以为忘记,然而见到你的那一刻,我听见世界崩塌的声音。 I thought I had forgotten, but the moment I saw you, I heard the sound of the collapse of the world. 37、我左手是过目不忘的萤火,右手是十年里一个漫长的打坐。 My left hand is an unforgettable firefly, and my right hand is a long meditation in ten years. 38、你走了我不怪你,只怪月老乱牵线。 I don't blame you for your leaving. I only blame Yuelao for pulling strings. 39、人与人之间还是不要贴得太近,要给彼此留一点修图的空间。 People should not stick too close to each other, but leave a little space for each other. 40、时光越老,人心越淡。轻轻的呼吸,浅浅的微笑。 The older the time, the weaker the heart. A light breath, a light smile. 41、要一直保存着你的梦想,你永远不知道什么时候会需要它们。 To keep your dreams alive, you never know when you need them. 42、我比谁都肤浅,所以爱你,比谁都认真。 I'm more superficial than anyone, so I love you more seriously than anyone else. 43、如果你真的爱他,那么你必须容忍他部份的。缺点。 If you really love him, then you have to put up with part of him. Disadvantages. 44、犹记当初,白衣翩翩,你举杯一笑,至此,我再也不是我。 Still remember at the beginning, white clothes, you raise a glass to smile, so far, I am no longer me. 45、我不明白明明内心支离破碎,为什么外表依然要装做华美如初。 I don't understand why you have to pretend to be gorgeous even though your heart is broken. 46、时间是小偷,他来时悄无声息,走后损失惨重,机会也是如此。 Time is a thief. He comes quietly and loses a lot after he leaves. So is opportunity. 47、只要是为自己学的东西,永远都不亏。 As long as you learn for yourself, you will never lose. 48、我这一生饮过的酒,流过的泪,都不及你一回头苦涩。 The wine I've drunk and the tears I've shed in my life are not as bitter as when you look back. 49、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。 Every setback or disadvantageous mutation carries the same or larger favorable seed. 50、时光是琥珀,泪一滴滴被反锁。 Time is amber, tears are locked.





